


©1999 - 2012
Edward D. Reuss
All rights reserved. Including the right of reproduction in whole or part in any form



The First Annual Law Enforcement Expo International was held at the Jacob Javits Convention Center in Manhattan July 20th through July 22, l999.

The exposition was open to law enforcement personnel only. Some of the new technology that was on display could solve some of the current problems in policing.

Jeff Beatty, President of the TSSI Inc. (Total Security Services International, Inc.) gave a lecture on terrorism.  Mr.Beatty presented a graphic and alarming picture of the threat of domestic and foreign terrorism.  Specialists in emergency service and others in law enforcement attended the lecture.

 TSSI, Inc has designed and produced a product to reduce casualties in bombings. The TSSI Bomb Mitigation Container was on display at the expo, which has been tested to withstand an explosion of a l.5 pound pipe bomb. The container would replace trashcans in public places such as airports, transit systems, and other areas of high traffic.  While the container will not eliminate the placing of packages in other places, it would greatly reduce the casualties that could result from a device placed in a trashcan. To get a brochure call 770-509-8800 and FAX 770-509-8803.

Elmore "Pat" Smoak of the EAI Corporation gave a second lecture on terrorism that involved the use of chemical and bacterial substances.  Pat served over 24 years with the US Army where he specialized in CBR technology.  He spoke about the various chemicals that are used by terrorists throughout the world. While at that lecture, I met retired Police Officer Charles Ruppert, NYPD, who is a consultant with EAI. Charlie was an experienced member of the Emergency Service. His duties while with the NYPD was to train newly appointed Captains of Police in the various technology that was available in hostage situations, suspicious devices, or for use at actual bomb scenes. 

A number of other devices and technology were on display.  A telescoping "Assault Ladder" designed by Solutions could assist cops on patrol who need to do a quick search of a rooftop in suburban areas of the city. The ladder weighs only 23 pounds and when closed is only 2 feet long. When extended to its full length, it measures over 12 feet.  It can easily fit into the trunk of a radio car and can be deployed in just a few seconds. A copy of the brochure shows the capability of the ladder. The company can be reached at 718-356-1963 and the fax is 718-227-5072.

Joseph Ligoci, the President and CEO of FANGS, Incorporated presented his answer to high-speed vehicle pursuits. He and his co-inventor, E. John Goletsas were at the Expo.  Their invention enables police to remotely bring a suspect's vehicle to a safe stop by means of a microchip. The microchip can be activated by police in pursuit of a vehicle and stop the fleeing vehicle much as "cruise control" can control the speed of a car.  The potential for saving lives of police officers and the innocent in other cars is impressive.  For a brochure, call Fangs, Inc. at 315-427-0301 and FAX at 315-455-5919.

 The NYPD was well represented at the Expo.  Police Officer Timothy O'Neill, Crime Prevention Specialist was on hand to explain the work of the Crime Prevention Section.  The goal to reduce crime through a proactive approach of community outreach is accomplished via safety lectures, physical security surveys, and other crime prevention programs are free of charge and available upon request.

©Copyright  l999 Edward D. Reuss



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